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Cork City Development Plan 2015-2021

Cork City Development Plan 20152021 was made by the Members of Cork City Council on the 23rd March 2015 and came into effect on the 20th April 2015. The City Development Plan is Cork City Council’s main strategic planning policy document and it will guide the future development of the city between now and 2021.

Cork City Development Plan 2015 - 2021 main documents

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  1. The Plan provides a vision for the development and improvement of the city;
  2. The Plan sets out the priorities for investment on infrastructure over the Plan period and
  3. The Plan is the main reference point in determining planning applications for new development.

This Development Plan places increased emphasis on the renewal and development of the City Centre as the employment, social and cultural heart of the city and the region. It also supports the gradual expansion of the City Centre eastwards into Docklands and the development of sustainable suburban neighbourhoods. Background documents can be viewed below for each stage of the Development Plan preparation process.

"The vision for Cork City over the period of this Development Plan and beyond is to be a successful, sustainable regional capital and to achieve a high quality of life for its citizens and a robust local economy..."