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Explorers Primary Marine Science

The Explorers Education Programme aims to integrate marine themes as closely as possible with lessons already taught in national schools through the Social Environment and Scientific Education (SESE) curriculum and other cross-curricula subjects. Teachers will be provided with class schemes, recommended education resources and lesson plans to carry out cross curricula project work based on the project that has been selected. The programme is funded by the Marine Institute and co-coordinated by Camden Education Trust and Galway Atlantaquaria. The Explorers Education Programme is available at no cost to schools.

What's Involved ?

The marine projects in class module will include two half-day visits (approx. 2 hours per visit) to the class by an Explorers education officer. The first visit in October will involve a fun activity introducing ocean literacy, a presentation about the selected project topic and / or the class completing an interactive experiment. The second visit (November) will involve the class providing a presentation and discussion of their project work to the education officer. Both visits will involve fun activities assessing the student’s ocean literacy in which they will be awarded an Explorers Certificate of Participation on completion of the module.

Curriculum Links

The Explorers marine project in class module provides teachers with an opportunity to introduce their class to the importance of our marine environment and our ocean resource. Projects may include a range of topics including: marine biodiversity - living things, caring for our marine environment - impacts of marine litter, marine technology - exploring our ocean, and our ocean wealth. Teachers will be provided with class schemes, recommended education resources and lesson plans to carry out cross curricular project work based on the project that has been selected. This module is suitable for children of 5th and 6th classes.


This module is funded by the Marine Institute and is therefore free for schools to participate. Teachers participating in this module may be requested to engage in advance of delivery to discuss individual requirements

Booking Details

Download the Explorers "Ocean Literacy Project" booking form, complete and return.

What's Involved ?

The Explorers Marine Science Workshop programme consists of two elements:

  • The first is a workshop at Lifetime Lab (approx. 2 hours 30 mins), children will engage in marine themed hands on activities, from which the class will prepare a small project to be showcased during school visit. Workshop will take place from March 3rd - 14th at Lifetime Lab   
  • The second is a school visit by our Explorers Education officer to meet the class who will present and discuss their project work. School visits will take place in late April and May.

Both visits will involve fun curriculum linked activities assessing the student’s ocean literacy from which they will be awarded an Explorers Certificate of Participation on completion and also count as a step towards achieving the SFI Curious Minds Awards. 

Both visits will involve fun curriculum linked activities assessing the student’s ocean literacy from which they will be awarded an Explorers Certificate of Participation on completion and also count as a step towards achieving the SFI Curious Minds Awards. 

Curriculum Links 

The Explorers Education Programme aims to integrate marine themes as closely as possible with lessons already taught in national schools through the Social Environment and Scientific Education (SESE) curriculum and other cross-curricular subjects. Teachers will be provided with class schemes, recommended education resources and lesson plans to carry out cross curricular project work based on the project that has been selected.

This module is suitable for children of 4th classes, workshop dates are in March with return school visits to assess projects taking place in late April or May.


This module is funded by the Marine Institute and is therefore free for schools to participate. Teachers participating in this module may be requested to engage in advance of online delivery to discuss individual requirements.

Booking Details

Download and return the completed booking form.

The Explorers Seashore Safari provides classroom activities and an amazing field trip to the seashore, where the children will learn about marine animals, seaweeds and environmental care.

What's Involved ?

The Explorers Seashore Safari module involves indoor and outdoor activities that can be completed in class prior to going to the shore, on the shore and activities after the fieldtrip. The seashore visit will include an exploration of marine habitats and living things as well as interactive learning games on the shore (weather permitting). Participating class teachers will be provided with class schemes, class resources, along with seashore project ideas including adopt a beach, environmental awareness and care, seashore art exhibitions, and lots more. The class will also be encouraged to provide a presentation and discussion about their project work that relates to their experience on the seashore. Please follow this link for more details.


This module is funded by the Marine Institute and is therefore free for schools to participate. Please note participating schools are required to provide transport to and from Fountainstown Beach. Teachers participating in this module may be requested to engage in advance of in person activities to discuss individual requirements.

Booking Details

Please contact our team at or call 021 4941500. Please note potential dates are subject to suitable tide times and weather conditions which will be discussed upon booking. 

For additional information on any of the Lifetime Lab education programs please contact Lifetime Lab by email at or call 021 4941500

Follow the links for additional information on the Explorers Education Programme and the work of the Marine Institute.

The Explorers Education Programme™‌ is supported by the Marine Institute, and is funded under the Marine Research Programme by the Irish Government.

Explorers Marine Science 2021

Marine Institute and Explorers 2021