Brooklodge NS win Marine Institute Explorers Ocean Champion Award
Congratulating the children and teachers, Cushla Dromgool-Regan, Strategic Manager for the Marine Institute’s Explorers Education Programme, noted that Brooklodge are leaders in our communities raising awareness about the impact the ocean has on daily life: “The whole school showed an exceptional interest in learning about the ocean and coming up with solutions to deal with the effects of climate change, exampled by recent extreme storms. We’re delighted that the children and teachers have fully embraced the concept of becoming an ‘ocean literate school’ and being ocean champions,” she said.
The Explorers healthy ocean school projects aim to inspire children with a range of interests by employing a cross-curricular approach to learning about the ocean, including science, technology, engineering, maths and the arts. Twenty-eight coastal county schools took part in this year's healthy ocean school projects, covering Marine STEAM, Ocean Literacy, SDGs and the Ocean, Marine Outdoor. The school projects reached over 15,000 children in 2022-2023.
“This was an excellent project to involve the whole school as it gave us the opportunity to learn more about our local community and the ocean. It is wonderful to welcome Mr Tom MacSweeney who had spoken to the children about the ocean to celebrate their award,” explained the lead teacher, Ciara Norris. “Developing their competencies and skills, the children were able to decide what they wanted to learn about regarding the seashore and the ocean. Looking at real life issues, they learned about the impact we have on the ocean and the huge impact it has on our lives,” she added.
At the award ceremony, Shazia Waheed, Explorers outreach officer from Lifetime Lab @ Old Cork Waterworks Experience, also recognised the children’s work: “It is fantastic to return to Brooklodge and to see the children’s continued enthusiasm for the ocean. The excitement about making ocean energy devices, creating artwork to raise awareness, and visiting the seashore as well as engaging and learning from some of our leaders in ocean knowledge, was exceptional,” she said.
The Explorers Ocean Champion Awards is organised through the Explorers Education Programme and funded by the Marine Institute as part of the Explorers Education Programme delivered to schools around Ireland. The Ocean Champion Awards is the only ocean-themed award for primary schools in Ireland and recognises the effort, commitment and collaboration of the school management, teachers, children and the Explorer outreach officers who have engaged in the all-school, marine-themed project.
The Explorers Education Programme is delivered by Old Cork Waterworks Experience in Cork and managed by Camden Education Trust. For more information about the Explorers Education Programme see
For more information, please contact: Cushla Dromgool-Regan Strategic Education and Communications Manager Marine Institute's Explorers Education Programme Mobile: + 353 (0) 87 9185519 Email: Website:
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