Maths Week 2023
To celebrate Maths Week 2023, which takes place from 14th - 26th October, we are delighted to host a number of maths enthusiasts on Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th of October. Suitable for primary and post primary schools join us to explore the world of maths through magic and the circus. For booking details please call 021-4941500 or email
Tiago Hirth - Audience: Post Primary
Tiago Hirth is a math enthusiast. He commits himself to the ludic: magic, movement, games. In his leisure time he researches, promotes science, organises events and teaches (when asked). Since 2018 he is part of the Interuniversity Center for the History of Science and Technology, as a PhD student at ULisboa. He is one of the founding members of the Circo Matemático, joining maths and circus for over a decade. (Recreational) Math, Conjuring Arts, and their History are his favourite subjects.
NELO ALBERTO MAESTRE BLANCO - Audience: Primary School (4th to 6th class)
Nelo is a mathematician and a magician from Spain. He started in magic in 1998 and graduated in mathematics in 2006. He combines these two interests on stage and in teaching to promote interest in mathematics. He has won awards for magic, performed across Spain on stage and on TV. He is also author of several books on maths and magic.
Caroline Ainslie aka Bubbly Maths - Audience: Primary School (Senior Infants to 1st class).
In celebration of Maths Week, Bubbly Maths with Caroline Ainslie will take place. Caroline will perform her 45-minute maths show using magical soap bubbles and giant balloons to illustrate the mathematical fundamentals of shape, space and measurements. Children will learn mathematics without even realising it!
About Maths Week
Maths Week Ireland is an all-island mathematics outreach initiative founded in 2006 by Eoin Gill and Sheila Donegan, based on an idea by Eoin Gill. It is a project of the Centre for the Advancement of Learning of Maths, Science and Technology the STEM outreach centre at Waterford Institute of Technology for more information please see
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