Works Extent
This scheme consists of the upgrade of the junction of Harbour View Road and Blarney Road and the junction on Harbour View Road and Tadgh Barry Road.
The works include:
- Redesign of the geometric alignment of the junctions to improve their functionality;
- Lengthening of the left turning lane from the Blarney Road onto Harbour View Road;
- Provision of new right turning lane on Tadgh Barry Road;
- Realignment of the cycle lane across the junction on Harbour View Road/Tadgh Barry Road;
- Provision of left turn and straight ahead/right turn lanes on Harbour View Road at Blarney Road Junction;
- The provision of new traffic signals with inter-connectivity between both junctions to improve traffic flows;
- Traffic calming measures at the entrances to Hollymount Estate;
- Upgrade to pedestrian crossing facilities;
- Installation of new road markings and signage;
- All necessary accommodation works.
Both junctions of Harbour View Road with Blarney Road and Harbour View Road with Tadgh Barry Road junctions are heavily congested at peak times with inbound delays on the Blarney Road identified as a particular concern. This scheme aims to enhance these junctions which will contribute to economic activity and job creation in the area. It will improve safety for all road users and increase the capacity of the junctions.
Start: Construction Phase commenced December 2020.
Finish: Due for Completion Mid 2021.
For further information please contact John Gibson, Executive Engineer at email john_gibson@corkcity.ie