Works Extent
Cork City Council, in association with Cork County Council and Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII), are proposing to identify route options, carry out an appraisal of these options and recommend a preferred route known as the Emerging Preferred Route. Various rounds of public engagement and consultation will form part of the project as it proceeds through its development. Find out more about the scheme on www.ccntp.ie
Atkins - Consulting Engineers - have been appointed by Cork City Council, in conjunction with Cork County Council and Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII), to develop and appraise options for the Cork City Northern Transport Project.
The Cork City Northern Transport Project is included in Project Ireland 2040 - the government's long-term strategy to improve public infrastructure investment and support communities and businesses across Ireland and is a key strategic transport objective to the Cork Metropolitan Area.
Start: April 2021.
Finish: April 2023 i.e. route identified.
Timelines are for assessment of transport options only - detailed design and construction will follow in future years.
For further information please contact Gillian O'Sullivan, Senior Executive Engineer at email gillian_osullivan@corkcity.ie