Planning/Design Phase
Works Extent
The Cork Docklands to City Centre Road Improvement scheme proposes new road layouts and related public realm improvements to provide a high quality environment for road users along the relevant routes between the Docklands and Cork City Centre. In order to facilitate greater movement of people it will be necessary to provide dedicated high quality sustainable transport infrastructure i.e. walking, cycling and public transportation infrastructure.
This project aims to:
- Provide key transport infrastructure that will act as the catalyst for the early development of the adjoining lands within the Docklands area thereby facilitating new residential and commercial developments;
- Provide a network for the optimum movement of all modes of transportation between Docklands and the City Centre;
- Provide a high quality public realm consistent with the overall ambition for the Docklands area as a vibrant, innovative, mixed use, sustainable, socially inclusive new urban quarter.
The proposed project includes the following:
- Introduction of a northbound contra-flow bus lane on Victoria Road (North) from the new signalised junction to Albert Quay, continuing west along Albert Quay through the Albert Quay / Albert Street Junction and terminating at the Eglinton Street/Albert Quay and Clontarf Bridge Junction;
- Introduction of a 2-way Cycle Track on Albert Quay and on Victoria Road (North) which will connect with Centre Park Road and Monahan Road;
- Replacement of Victoria Road / Centre Park Road Roundabout with a traffic signal controlled junction;
- Improvements to the Monahan Road/Victoria Road Junction;
- Public realm improvements on Albert Quay East – this quay will act as the ‘gateway’ to the South Docks from the city centre;
- Public realm improvements on Victoria Road, Albert Road, Marina Terrace;
- Introduction of a new residential access link between Electric Terrace and Rosefield Terrace;
- Kennedy Quay access from Albert Quay will be restricted. Access to Kennedy Quay will be provided via Marina Walk;
- Footpaths will be widened and repaved for the safety and convenience of pedestrians;
- Crossing facilities will be provided at all junctions for the safety of vulnerable road users;
- Bus stops within the works area will be upgraded and real time passenger information displays installed.
A new planning application is expected to be published later in 2024.
For further information please contact Treasa Jones, Executive Engineer via email treasa_jones@corkcity.ie